
Simple Workout Plan to Help You Achieve Your Goals for Women

By April 20, 2020 May 9th, 2020 No Comments

Like my other post for starting the men’s strength program, this will be like that. I will just recite it here. If you’re just getting started in changing your life for the better especially if you are planning on getting fitter. Then you’ve come to the right post, just a brief introduction I have lifting for almost 10 years and I’ve trained numerous friends, families and people in the gym to help achieve their goals for both male and female. Here, at Prodex we focus on selling health products such as Water Lentils Plant-Based Protein but most of the time people are blindly buying health supplements thinking that it would do them good without even a proper plan in achieving that.

Supplements are tools for you to achieve your goals but if you don’t know how to use them properly then it’s completely pointless.

The Plan

Let’s just start off by making this as general as possible, I’m assuming someone reading this would be anywhere between 16 ~ 40 years old but if you’re outside that range that’s perfectly fine just make sure to consult with your physician before conducting any program. We would be focusing mainly of weighted exercises, building muscles has so many benefits from hormonal regulation to fat burning properties you’ll be a lot more functional as well as feeling healthier. Don’t be afraid to build or tone your muscles you won’t end up looking like Arnold or Stallone there’s a lot of genetic and hormonal limitations that would prevent you from looking bulky. This is not a muscle building program, but it is one to improve athletic performance as well as improving muscle quality. If you’re goal is to be fit or lose weight you would need substantial muscle mass in order to achieve that optimally.

I’ll start with a simple exercise program:

3 sets x 15 reps – Squats

3 sets x 15 reps – Bent over dumbbell rows

3 sets x 8 reps – Push ups

3 sets x 8 reps – Shoulder press

Rest 1 minute in between sets

For the abs:

3 sets x 12 reps – Bicycle crunch

1 min of planks

Rest 30 seconds in between sets

please understand these are just for beginners who are planning to get started. Make sure to perform the squats as deep as you can this is to ensure that you work the core and get that full range of motion to develop that lower body. You can change these to dumbbell lunges if you don’t have the equipment to squat. These compound exercises speed up the fat burning process and believe me when you focus on developing that muscle quality you will tone your body much quicker than just dieting.

If fat loss is your goal then you should also give HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) If you’ve got a treadmill, a bicycle, or just out in an open park what you want to do is sprint for 20 seconds and rest for 40 seconds and repeat this 6 times. This isn’t for the light-hearted so again please check with your doctor or physician before doing this. I found this to be the best fat burner. If you are unable to this then should do some light cardio whilst getting your diet plan in check. My other blog post will be focusing more on that.

Of course, in order for this plan to be effective you would need a proper diet plan with enough protein intake to refuel your body after every workout. Prodex Water Lentils Plant Protein is 100% natural and plant-based protein powder which has an amino acid profile comparable to whey and quick to take if you’re looking for the healthiest option then look no further and be sure to give it a try. Till next time.

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