What Are Beta Carotenes?

Beta Carotene is a pigment found in plants that gives them its colour. It is often found in yellow and orange plants like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, bell peppers and apricots but they are also found in many rich green vegetables such as water lentils, spinach, broccoli, asparagus and peas.

What are the benefits?

Beta carotene is an antioxidant which converts into vitamin A which plays an important role for your health. They play an important role in fighting free radicals in the body. There isn’t any recommended amount that you should take daily. The body only absorbs the amount you need therefore it is you won’t get too much in excess just from getting it from plants. Many benefits include:

  • Improving Cognitive Function

One study involving over 4000 men over an 18 year period, found that long term intake of beta carotene reduces the risk of cognitive diseases.

  • Promoting Skin Health

Taking beta carotene has shown to reduce sun sensitivity in people therefore, reducing the risk of photosensitive diseases and sunburns. Due to its antioxidant properties it promotes healing and appearance of the skin.

  • Lung Health

One finding shows that there is a correlation between low intake of beta carotene and lung cancer. Over time free radicals build up in the lungs and having beta carotene on a daily basis will prevent build up in the long run. Leading to lower chances of lung diseases and lung cancer.

  • Reducing Risk of Cancer

As we know beta carotene is an important antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralise free radicals which would cause cellular damage. By preserving cellular integrity having high doses can prevent cancer if taken early for a long period of time.

  • Overall health

Other benefits include bone formation, improve function of testes and ovaries. Long term consumption has also shown to improve heart health and reduce heart diseases and strokes. It has also been shown to protect white blood cells in the lymphatic system from DNA damage. Thus, improving the overall immune system.

Side effects although rare include nausea, stomach pains or discoloration of the skin, none of which are harmful. These can all be limited by reduce the dosage of beta carotene. Please check with your doctor or any physician before undergoing any supplement program. Bottom line is that beta carotene is essential for daily health and boosting your immune system by neutralising free radicals.

Prodex Water Lentils Plant Protein are high in beta carotene so why not give it a try?

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